Make Tirm & Plastic Look-Like New
Extended Durailily-Lasts For Weeks
Hi-tech nursing care cream formula, which can removethe stains on the plastic surface, and removes the aging layer of plastic surface, making the surface gloss like new. lf use regularly, can prevent its surface from getting yellow,and keep it shining permanently. Does not contain any harmful ingredients, non-toxic, harmless and non-pollution. Suitable for any plastic and rubber products. UV clear coat technology allows black plastic restorer to significantly outlast conventional protectants and trim care products.
Dip a small amount of this product with sponge or cloth wipe and clean the aging surface till it is gloss like new.
* Long-lasting, hybrid ceramic protection
* Restores darkness and shine to unpainted exterior plastic and trim pieces
* Wipe on thin and evenly and wipe off excess