9802 Radiator Stop Leak

9802 Radiator Stop Leak

Compatible With Anti-Freeze/Anti-Boil Solutions
Suitable For Use With All Types Of Coolants

The product can be used with various antifreezes and cooling agents, the product can stop the leakage of water tank, radiator, tank body, water pump, water seal and tank bush. lt will not jam the radiator channel or hurt the cooling system. Additionally, it can resist corrosion and rust; prolong the life of water tank, save repairing time and reduce the cost.

1.Shake the product before use.
2. Starting the engine to the normal temperature(85℃-90℃), assure the thermostat and warming air device are turned on.
3. Feeding the product (354ml) into water tank, make sure there is anti-freezer in the tank.
4. When the warming air device is turned on, it will come into effect after 5 minutes engine work.
5. After adding the product, the efficiency will be better keeping on the engine one hour work.

• Safe for rubber hoses and all metals, including aluminium
• Compatible with anti-freeze/anti-boil solutions
• Suitable for use with all types of coolants