9909 Original Green Antifreeze Coolant

9909 Original Green Antifreeze Coolant

Full Strength, Ethylene Glycol Formula
Protects Against Freezing And Overheating
Safe for All Types of Metal & Aluminum

POWER EAGLE ORIGINAL GREEN ANTIFREEZE COOLANT is an Ethylene Glycol base formulation that is low silicate meeting the protection requirements for most European, American & Asian passenger cars, light duty trucks and heavy duty trucks.
• Protects engine components from winter freezing & summer boil over.
• Formulation contains high quality defoamer additiwe and anti-corrosive package to provide full protection for all metals, including aluminum, that make up for most of the engine's cooling systerm.
• Compatible with most brands of coolant commonly available.
• Will not harm hoses, plastics or original vehicle finishes.

Follow the vehicles owner's manual for instructions and dilution percentages before adding or changing your Antifreeze Coolant, POWER EAGLE Original Green Antifreeze Coolant is Fluorescent GREEN in color to distinguish from other Antifreeze formulations. For optimum protection a 40% to 70% concentration range is suggested.